Take the Quiz Are you a true Geezer? Do you have a sense of humor? Yes No Are you experienced enough to appreciate and understand the nuances of language and circumstances? Yes No Are you old enough to subscribe to the “Bugs Bunny” Philosophy of not taking life seriously as no one gets out of it alive? Yes No Have you reached an age and experience having earned the privilege of forming or having an opinion? Yes No Have you reached a point in life that earns you the privilege of being wrong? Yes No Do you wonder how younger people will ever survive? Yes No Do you know why, when and how to get mad? Yes No Can you recognize success with appreciation? Yes No Are you dedicated to the greater good without being taken advantage of or feeling guilty when success is achieved? Yes No Are you proud to have reached this point in your life? Yes No Ready to sendTo view your results, please provide this minimal contact information. We will never share your information (see privacy policy).Email Address *First Name *Last Name *Submit